Order Anadroxyl Online

47.00 USD

Oral Anabolic Steroid
Active substance: Oxymetholone
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Unit: 50 pills (50 mg/pill)

Common Names

Oxymetholone, Anadrol, Drol, Androlic, Anapolon, Oxy.

Drug Description

White or almost white round-shaped pills with compact and homogeneous structure.

Anadroxyl Composition

1 pill contains:
Active substance: Oxymetholone 50 mg

Bodybuilding Benefits

Anadroxyl 50 is a powerful androgen which will impact your body tremendously, in both good and bad ways. Let's learn more!

First off, it should be noted that significant muscle mass occurs with the use of Anadroxyl 50, without a doubt. You gain a lot of weight very quickly. Water retention accounts for a lot of it. You'll get bigger, and you'll get stronger. Experts agree that Anadroxyl 50 is an amazing off-season drug. If you're bulking – allowing yourself to add a lot of weight in a short period of time through heavy training and a lot of food – then you're going to love Anadroxyl 50.

Synthetic anabolic steroid that works by increasing the muscular mass, helps in gaining weight and strength, enhances the red blood cells count. It possesses the ability to decrease fat deposits and to induce the fixing of calcium in bones. Its action allows the muscles to absorb more oxygen and to rapidly increase their mass.

Therapeutic Indication

It is used for the process of muscle growth in malnourished or underdeveloped patients, as well as in the treatment of protein synthesis disorders, various types of cachexia, trauma, extensive burns after irradiation, infectious diseases, muscular dystrophy, osteoporosis and various types of anemia.

Do you suffer from joint problems? Has your cartilage been eaten away by years of training? You're in luck! Anadroxyl 50's tendency to cause your body to hold water solved this problem. Joints are now padded with a layer of water, which prevents bones from rubbing together. If you're always hurting, Anadroxyl 50 will suddenly deliver you to a relatively pain-free workout!

Dosage (Men)

50-150 mg per day. Anadroxyl 50 should be taken daily. Dosage varies based upon experience, body weight, and whether or not Anadroxyl 50 is being stacked with other compounds. One daily tablet is the minimum dose, with four being the ceiling, or absolute highest. Two to three is probably ideal.

Dosage (Women)

25-50 mg per day

Active Life

12-16 hours

Anadroxyl Side Effects

Long term use of the drug can cause a variety of serious alimentary dysfunctions, including hepatitis, liver cancer, and cirrhosis, as well as nausea, vomiting, stomach aches, decrease appetite, headaches, insomnia, and diarrhea, various mood swings. The drug may cause virilization effects like oily skin, acne, body and facial hair growth, pattern male baldness conditions.

Anadroxyl Contraindications/Precautionary Measures

Not recommended in case of hypersensitivity to the drug, prostate cancer, breast cancer in men, breast carcinoma in women with hypercalcemia, severe atherosclerosis, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, hepatic and renal function, acute and chronic prostatitis, pregnancy, lactation. The use of the drug is not recommended in case of strong virilization effects in women (deepening of the voice, acne, hair growth). Cholesterol levels in patients should also be constantly monitored.

Anadroxyl 50 lets you dodge the needle. It's an oral steroid, meaning you wash it down with a protein shake and begin growing. As any experienced steroid user will tell you, this isn't always a good thing. Just as Anadroxyl 50 is powerful in leading to positive changes in the body, it also leads to some negative side effects. The primary concern is the liver. Any time you orally administer a powerful oral drug, the liver is going to be working overtime on it. Anadroxyl 50 Is no exception.

It is imperative that you have your physician check your liver enzyme levels to ensure you are healthy enough to tackle this powerful steroid. Additionally, avoid alcohol use when taking Anadroxyl 50. Yes, you are going to look and feel better, and you might want to celebrate. But a few shots here and there, coupled with the toxicity of the drug, and you could have some serious problems. You should already know that Anadroxyl 50 should be cycled off so that you can give your body a rest. How about holding off on that alcohol use until you're on a break from the toxic steroid use?

Anadroxyl 50 is the magic fountain that you just can't visit too many times. Young users will love the size and power they get from it. Older users may want to avoid it. If you have a lifetime of wear and tear on your liver, chances are you don't want something as toxic as Anadroxyl 50 in your body. However, if you are strong, and ready to take the plunge into being a BIG guy, then Anadroxyl 50 can definitely get you there!


There are no registered cases of over-dosage.

Anadroxyl Stack/Cycle

The duration of the cycle should not be longer than 6 weeks. It is often used in combination with injectable steroids like Testoxyl Cypionate or Nandroxyl, as well as Boldaxyl 300 and Dianoxyl. To avoid water retention - antiestrogen medications like Proviroxyl, Arimixyl or Nolvaxyl are recommended.

Package Presentation

50 mg pills.


To be store in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature of 15-25 ° C. Keep out of reach of children.

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Online Anadroxyl Reviews

  • Jan 20, 2020 (10:15)

    To be honest I didn't use these in a bulking cycle- I used in an attempted calorie deficit with Test 250mg a week and Deca at 200mg a week. THis works for me as i retain full muscle bellies and seems to hugely help my joints (far more than Deca does). Also decent Anadrol seems to always take away any aches and pains better than Ibuprofen. Maybe it's psychosomatic but it works for me. I started on 100mg a day and planned for 4 weeks, but instead I ran out the whole supply instead. 50 days I know is more than commonly accepted but i did run several Liver supps. I stayed at around 16 stone, which surprised me as I was apparently eating some 300-500 calories less a day. I didn't make great strength gains but did find reps much easier, but i did recomp to some degree- body-shape changed, particularly around shoulders as i moved from 3-8 reps on shoulder presses, and retained 6 pack. Aandroxyl is my favourite compound by far as can use on diet and on bulk.If anything is missing it's largely due to poor memory- recently had ruptured Biceps Tendon injury which has meant I could type properly- first day back last night following morning appointment yesterday with physio. May well look to get more Aandroxyl when training gets more serious than the child's weight I can move currently

  • Feb 6, 2017 (12:49)

    Ok day three. I started with 2 days of 150mg first day three at once just made my blood pressure to high so next day went to 100mg still felt a little funky so went to on 50mg tab in the morning one 50mg after workout so far good to go. Stacking this with 500mg of E once a week . I feel the desire, sex drive and pump all returning. I will keep you posted.

  • Sep 19, 2016 (09:28)

    With test in your cycle too?

  • Aug 11, 2016 (14:04)

    Yep this stuff is awesome some of the best I think personally. Huge size, muscle, strength and water gains... lol... Im running some now for 4 weeks last attempt to bulk before massive cutting begins!

  • Jul 7, 2016 (08:40)

    I'm just finishing my third day on these at about 50mg/day. So far so good, but it's probably too early to really say. Tabs look very pro and well done. My first time using Kalpa products of any kind...I'm impressed.

    I'm using this with 50mg test prop ED and about 500-600mg EQ/week. On my third week in, but I do notice very full pumps at the gym and a new fullness particularly in my forearms. My appetite is still very healthy. Kicking up the cardio a little too.

    I'll post an update a few weeks from now.

  • Jun 30, 2016 (20:24)

    This Stuff is Extremely Underdosed. I am very disappointed

  • Jun 27, 2016 (15:44)

    Hi I would like to know what is the best dose to use for a-bombs and it is better to take it on an empty stomach or with food? I am on my fourth day and I have noticed an increase in strength especially in my squats yesterday when I squatted 300 kilos for 5 reps and this was the last set of 5. So please tell me how this worked for you, thank you.

  • Jun 19, 2015 (16:44)

    Very good prices, very good service, fast delivery. THANKS. do business again with you!

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